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Multidisciplinary Designer

Good Mood Power

X Webpage Design / Data Visualization
This unique data visualization project is dedicated to exploring and understanding the transformative impact of positive moods on our lives. Through innovative and interactive visual tools, this website collects and analyzes individual mood change data, offering insightful perspectives on how good moods influence our well-being, productivity, and overall quality of life.

The purpose is to illuminate the profound effects of positive emotional states on our mental, emotional, and physical health. By aggregating and displaying mood change, foster a deeper appreciation for the significance of nurturing positive emotions, encouraging visitors to recognize and cultivate good moods in their daily lives.

About Me...

I am a very emotional person. I can be very happy and especially sad about a small thing. But I am always very good at finding solutions to make my bad moods go away quickly.

For this reason, I collected 40 days of my own daily emotional changes and categorized and analyzed these emotions. Through this project, I hope to let more people know that bad moods are not scary. Good moods can always overcome bad moods.

· Seven main areas affect my daily mood:

work, food, leisure and entertainment, people, my pet, sleep, and others. 

· My mood changes throughout the day; it contains five emotions:

excitement, happiness, fear, sadness, and anger.

· I developed different scores according to different emotions, and through this score, I calculated the positive and negative highs and lows of the total value of emotions in a day.


In this data visualization, circles represent good moods and triangles represent bad moods.

Circles, with their smooth and continuous outline, are often perceived as soft, safe, and harmonious. This makes them associated with positive emotions and comfort. In contrast, triangles, especially those pointing upwards, can appear sharp, aggressive, or unstable, invoking a sense of conflict, tension, or alertness, which can be associated with negative emotions.

The Data Visualization


Visual Explorations — Interaction 

Daily Mood Details 
Emotional Cause View
All Work - Related Impacts

Video Walkthrough

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